Friday, December 18, 2015

Salar Aghili / Hafez Poem : Magic Eyes

Until your hair falls through the fingers of the breeze
My yearning heart lies torn apart with grief
Black as sorcery, your magic eyes
Render this existence an illusion
The dusky mole encircled by your curls
Is like the ink-drop falling in the curve of the jeem (ج)
And wafting tresses in the perfect garden of your face,
Drop like a peacock falling into paradise
My soul searches for the comfort of a glance
Light as the dust arising from your path
Unlike the dust, this earthly body stumbles,
Falling at your threshold, falling fast
Your shadow falls across my frame
Like the breath of Jesus over withered bones
And those who turn to the Ka’aba as their sanctuary
Now with the knowledge of your lips, tumble at the tavern door
O precious love, the suffering of your absence and lost Hafez
Fell and fused together with the ancient past